Thursday, September 17, 2015

Amaiya Johnson

Image result for alex and morgan 30 days

#4. Honestly, I would have walked away form the land lord who helped Alex and Morgan without paying the whole because on one-hand, he did help out when they had nowhere else to go and he even let them pay off the security deposit and rent in installments but, he didn't take care of the building, there was a drug-house downstairs from the apartment and he had to change the locks on the house the day before because someone who wasn't supposed to live in the apartment broke in and stayed. Also, the neighborhood wasn't all that safe so yes, I would have walked away from him.

#7. Yes, I do agree with Senator Ted Kennedy's argument that raising the minimum wage helps families. During the time that the 30 Days documentary was shot minimum wage was $5.15 and Alex and Morgan struggled to live on the small hourly pay. They worked as many hours and jobs as possible just to have enough for food and the bills with no room for frivolous spending and still, they stayed in debt and couldn't cover some expenses, like their $1,000 hospital bill. Imagine having a child and living off of $5.15 an hour when, according to the movie, they cost $10,000 a year in expenses. Today, the minimum wage rate in Illinois is $8.25 but still, that is not enough because every year the cost of living goes up but the minimum wage rate doesn't and it's not enough to accommodate for the price of living in America. The senate does not take into account those who may have children and how many they have when voting on the minimum wage rate. The opposing side of raising the minimum wage rising rate doesn't think about their workers' expenses but more about what's in their own pockets. They may already be well off and have more than enough money but, in not wanting to have to give up more, they oppose (and win most of the time) the fight to get minimum wage increased.

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