Saturday, September 19, 2015

Marcus J Hopson

         How good was Morgan and Alex's budgeting over the 30 days? In the most honest opinion, I think that they both could have improved on their spending. because at some moments of the documentary the couple was in debt by a couple hundred dollars, but although they managed to pay back all the money they still wasn't accounted for the bills they had to pay at the end of the month. at times Morgan became careless and a little to celebratory and spent too much money such as when his brother's children came to visit him and Alex for one weekend.and following that weekend was Alex's 30th birthday so with Morgans bad planning he managed to almost spend all the money and at the end of it all they came home with $2.96 at the end of Alex's birthday. If Morgan was to go with Alex's budgeting techniques then I strongly believe that they would have at least had a solid $150 or more from savings. So to rephrase the question was Morgans Spurlock's budgeting over the 30 day span healthy? no it wasn't at all and if he was to continue this experiment for another month than he would have owed more than a hundred dollars at the end of the second month.

         what do you think Gerald's reasoning regarding how the cost of living wage his devalued over the last 25 years and what that means for his current employment statues? The cost of living has indeed devalued but because the products and whatnot that we buy there pricing has increased and business don't want to pay more to their works because then they would be losing money so the common work gets paid a reasonable amount that the company has decided so it could rack in big bills while their works barely get buy on life also the countries economical state has changed since Gerald has been working the big car manufactors in the last 25 years. in my opinion i think that big companies such as wal-mart target they have became more like sweat shops because they are getting the most out of their works because to most companies they could easily be replaced and the company wouldn't lose not a single dollar so companies only care if the person is going to bring in money

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