Thursday, September 17, 2015

Noah DeMar


How Likely would you have been to just walk away from the landlord who helped Alex and Morgan?

I would've had no problem walking away from the landlord. He seemed to run a pretty sleazy operation. Whether it be the drug addict squatters or the disgusting living conditions, the landlord really didn't care about the tenants of his apartment block. If you aren't going to respect the people renting from you why should you expect any in return. If I'm living on minimum wage I doubt he would pursue me legally, because it would cost more in legal fees than he can hope to get from me. In the end, it probably wouldn't be a choice if I didn't pay him, it would be situational.

Do you agree with Sen. Ted Kennedy's argument that raising the minimum wage would help families?

I think that the minimum wage should be increased. If you increase the minimum wage wealth inequality should go down. While, I think wealth inequality is necessary for a healthy economy, the levels of inequality we see now are unacceptable. If the minimum wage is increased the American public will have a higher standard of living. I think that a high minimum wage would also help the rich because taxes due to things like, food aid, welfare, etc, should go down if people can afford to live at the lowest legal wage. Overall raising the minimum wage is the moral and logical thing to do.

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